Gold, Silver, Copper, Uranium and Crypto Stocks Added

I've have been increasing the stocks available on the Stage Analysis website this week to include many more US Gold, Silver, Uranium, Lithium and Copper stocks, and also some of the main Crypto stocks too. 

There's still a few minor data issues to sort out with the calculations of a few stocks. So I've hidden them for now (BHP & RIO), and DNN has an issue too. But my developer will fix those issues in the coming weeks, which will help towards the coming scaling up to cover the broader US market, via the Nasdaq Composite and NYSE Composite stocks – which will triple the US stocks covered on here to over 5000 stocks.

Below are screen shots of the listing pages with their current SATA scores and Mansfield RS, and weekly change data. As a well as a few of the stock pages for example – HMY, CCJ, HOOD

The interactive GICS Sub-industries Bell Curve also continues to be updated (see screenshot below), and my developer is in the process of coding the data for the relative changes (i.e. 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 13 weeks), which will help to find the Sub-industries on the move in both directions, and then you can easily see all the individual stocks in that Sub-industry via the slide out panels on the page. Which you can see by clicking on the names of the Sub-industries – either in the Bell Curve graphic itself (my favourite way), or in the table below it.

There are also multiple other ways to see the new stocks that have been added this week, as for example you will see in the page screenshots above the names of their GICS Sub-industries for each. i.e. AG is in Silver, HMY is in Gold, SILV is in Precious Metals & Minerals, PLG is in Diversified Metals & Mining etc. So you can navigate to those in the bell curve graphic or table below it, or by simply going to the US Stocks page. Which has all of the current stocks in a single table view.

So I hope that your are enjoying all of the new features on the website. Members can email any feedback, or report any bugs / data issues via the email that you received when you signed up. As, because it's still a developing product, there will be various issues to resolve. So please let me know when you find any, and I can get them added to the jobs list for my developer.

P.S. The slide out panels on the Bell Curve page are coded for desktop screens only at the moment. But I will be sorting out the mobile views soon.

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Disclaimer: For educational purpose only. Not investment advice. Seek professional advice from a financial advisor before making any investing decisions.