US Breakout Stocks Watchlist - 1 December 2020

For the watchlist from Tuesdays scans - ARLO, BIG*, CELH, FB, FNGU, GOOGL, GPRO, NFLX, NSTG

Stock of the day was ARLO, which I last flagged on the 25th November at 5.50. It moved strongly higher today (over 40%) on its largest ever daily volume since its IPO, and briefly broke out of the Stage 2 base, before closing back down in the base at around 31% gain on the day. I'll be watching now how constructive the price action and volume is in the coming days.

The other area of note today was the large amount of mega cap FAANG stocks moving back into good positions. AAPL broke out, and as you can see multiple household names are in todays watchlist, including the FAANG stocks 3x etf. So we could be seeing a rotation back to the large cap names again into the last month of the year.

*Earnings due this week

Disclaimer: For educational purpose only. Not investment advice. Seek professional advice from a financial advisor before making any investing decisions.