104 Dow Jones Sector Industry Groups sorted by Relative Strength

104 Dow Jones Sector Industry Groups sorted by Relative Strength. Purpose is to track RS changes across the groups each week using stockcharts SCTR rating.

The groups with the top 10 percentage gains this week were

  1. $DWCCOA Coal
  2. $DJUSHI Home Improvement Retailers
  3. $DJUSAL Aluminum
  4. $DJUSHL Hotel & Lodging REITs
  5. $DJUSSW Software
  6. $DJUSEH Real Estate Holding & Development
  7. $DJUSHB Home Construction
  8. $DJUSRQ Recreational Services
  9. $DWCREE Renewable Energy Equipment
  10. $DJUSCP Containers & Packaging

Attached current top 50 sectors plus sectors with the strongest moves this week and the last 12 weeks.

You can find out which stocks are in each industry group by going to https://stockcharts.com/freech... and clicking on the name of the group

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