US Stocks Watchlist - 18 April 2021

For the watchlist from the weekend scans - AA, TSLA, KLIC, LRCX, LSCC, QRVO*, ZIM, KO, LPL, ACI, ADI, AOS, AXTA, AY, AYI, BSY, BTI, DVA, EHC, GRBK, KEYS, MTH, PGNY, SE, SEAS, SEE, TAP

Earnings season is underway with a few big names up this week with NFLX and ADBE

The watchlist is fairly mixed group wise this weekend, but Semiconductors again has the strongest showing with multiple names consolidating their recent moves and forming right sides of bases. So potential for a continuation breakout in the group to keep an eye on.

*I already have a position in QRVO

Disclaimer: For educational purpose only. Not investment advice. Seek professional advice from a financial advisor before making any investing decisions.