US Stocks Watchlist - 28 March 2021

For the watchlist from the weekend scans - AA, ABB, ACN, AM, AMAT, AME, AR, AVGO, CDW, CENX, CNX, CPE, CVS, CVX, DHI, EOG, EQT, FBHS, KBH, LEN, MT, PAYX, PHM, RH, SEE, TMHC, TOL, UNP, UPST, VRTV, W, X

A fairly big watchlist this weekend after Fridays late recovery bounce. Groups of note in the scans are Home Construction*, Home Improvement Retailers and Exploration & Production.

*I did a deeper dive into the Home Construction group in our private twitter channel over the weekend, with weekly and daily charts of all the main stocks. To become a member go to: and sign up today.

Disclaimer: For educational purpose only. Not investment advice. Seek professional advice from a financial advisor before making any investing decisions.