US Breakout Stocks Watchlist - 23 June 2020

I saw a lot of nervousness on the twitter feed today, with people talking about pullbacks. But from my perspective we've just had one, as we saw a -6.7% pullback in the Nasdaq over the last few weeks and then made a new high today. So until the breakouts start failing again the short term trend remains up, and today saw seven big name stocks including four of the FAANG stocks attempting to breakout again, although they all closed fairly weakly.

Here's the stocks for the watchlist from Tuesdays scans - AMRC, AMZN, BABA, FB*, FNGO, FOCS, GOOGL, ILMN, NKE, NKLA, NTES*, QCOM, RH, STNE, TGT, V

I opened positions in FB and NTES today.

Disclaimer: For educational purpose only. Not investment advice. Seek professional advice from a financial advisor before making any investing decisions.